Each entry contains descriptive metadata, including a title, a block of text or HTML content, and a URL for more information. 每个项都包含描述性元数据,其中包括一个名称、一块文本或HTML内容,以及一个指向更多信息的URL。
As well, the MDC feature includes block indexes that contain an entry for each block of data rather than for individual rows. 而且,MDC特性还包括块索引,在块索引中,对于每个块的数据(而不是每一行的数据)都有一个条目。
The root directory entry ( dentry) object is cached here also, as is the block device on which this file system resides. 根目录条目(dentry)对象也缓存在这里,因为它是文件系统所在的块设备。
Synchronized methods and blocks allow a thread to lock an object on entry and unlock the object on exit ( to the method or block). 同步的方法和代码块允许线程在入口处锁定对象并在出口处解锁(针对方法或代码块)。
The decision to ban their entry could prompt Pyongyang to block flights even thought the North earned several million dollars each year in overflight fees, warned Daniel Pinkston, a North Korea expert at the International Crisis Group. 国际危机组织(internationalcrisisgroup)的朝鲜专家丹尼尔品克斯顿(danielpinkston)警告说,如果禁止朝鲜船只进入韩国领海,可能会导致朝鲜方面关闭领空,尽管朝方每年从经飞经航班中赚取数百万美元。
For example, if you click while pointing to a block header entry, the shortcut menu shows the New Version Block Info and Delete Version Block Info commands. 例如,如果在指向块头项时单击,快捷菜单将显示“新建版本信息区”和“删除版本信息区”命令。
An instance of each object with automatic storage duration ( 3.7.2) is associated with each entry into its block. 每个具有自动存储类(3.7.2)对象的实例都与其所在语句块的相应入口相联系。
The article discusses how to use 4& linking entry block in cataloging teacher's books and student's books in academic libraries. 为提高教学/学习用书的利用率,方便高校师生检索,本文探讨了高校图书馆在教学/学习用书著录时,机读目录格式中4&连接款目块的使用。
Furthermore, there the ineffective entry barrier, the high exit barrier and some other problems, for instance, serious block division, bad development environment and lacking industrial policies, existed in the Chinese 3PL industry. 同时,整个产业存在进入壁垒失效和退出壁垒高的问题,产业条块分割严重、政策环境差,没有完善的产业发展政策。
Because of technology, capital and other industry, trade barriers to entry, will therefore high block in the door, according to the Matthew effect, will reap greater market share. 由于航空业对技术、资金等要求很高,行业进入壁垒很高,因此将部分竞争者挡在门外,先进入这个行业就具有了马太效应,将会收获更大市场份额。
Using these methods, as the entry point to the northern city of Qingdao, Qingdao come with their own conditions in Qingdao nightlife block the way and building trends, and gifted Bai Square neighborhood as an example to elaborate. 利用这些方法,以北方城市青岛做为切入点,结合青岛自身条件得出青岛建设夜生活街区的途径与发展趋势,并以佰优坊街区为实例进行阐述。